Human Interaction

Editor's Note ; This will be a series of posts regarding more of the "seriousness and of life itself." This could bore most but it's something that I've been wanting to write about ever since. I should really take up sociology and / or psychology. Anyways, this is my first post "back"  from the depths of examination and hopefully this newfound freedom from the restrains of examination will not affect much of my writing. 

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Supposedly, humans are the dominant species of this world because of our ability to analyze and renders thing said and things done that could be of shadowing origin to a clearer and more accepting to the human race. I guess that's true, to a certain extent. One would have to look at the recent Rosetta mission, a mission to successfully land a probe on a moving comet . And that's what they did. Albeit a fee glitches along the way. Few decades ago, one would be deemed crazy to think of being higher than the skies above us. To be with the stars and not looking up at it. Certainly, human advancement is happening.

But at what cost? Huge vast of forests are being chopped down. Forcing out the animals and even humans that has made the trees their life and soul. Is that not inhumane? Is that right? For your goal to achieve money? To have recognition? Money is the bane of the world but the world cannot live without it. It's like being in a abusive relationship with someone you dearly love.

Whilst in the month long examination period, I've got lots of time to think. More so now considering it's over. There was a day where I just sat in the library, alone and not doing anything but observing the people around. Some were having their eyes glued onto the book. Some, their phones. Some were locking eyes with their One. Some were chirping aloud, oblivious to the fact that they're in the library.

I took my leave and went down to the lobby. Same things could be seen. People interacting with people. I don't know about you, but I've certainly gone crazy over the years and I've come to mind that human interaction is both fascinating and weird.

People forming a team and challenging a rival team to a game of football.
A lad building up his courage to ask the girl of his life to a date.
A bunch of people chattering about the movie they've just seen.
A newly wed couple on their honeymoon in city of love.
A little girl begging her parents for an Elsa doll.

Why? Is it mostly about self-realization? As Maslow said. Is it about having a fulfilled and engaging relationship with the people you care about? I don't know. It's not up for me to judge. I am all but an observer.

But that's not true. I'm engaging in my own interaction each day. And not all of them happen in the reality of this world. Most happens in the confinement of my mind. But there are a certain few that managed to creeped past the dream and etched itself into a memory.

Two months ago, I found myself awake on bed in an awkward position, and full of sweat. I could remember the dream vividly,  as if it happened yesterday. I was back in the old home in Sabah, in the living room watching the television when my dad walked past and offered to bring me to breakfast. I accepted it and went to have a shower, not in the usual "common bathroom." But I went into the one in his room. When I stepped in, the smell that has slowly became a signature of him slid back into my memory. It will forever be etched into my mind. Before this, I'd forgotten everything about the smell. Considering that the last time I smelled of such is a year or two ago. Ever since he became ill , the smell just faded. Anyways,  after completing the shower. I went out the room,  dressed of course, and was going to the exit when I found myself awake. What was that about? Is it because I miss my dad? Or was it just a random dream? I've been having these random dreams far more often than usual. From no dreams a week to having 5 a week. Something significant must have happened. But what?

It's 11:46pm. And I'm out of words. Or rather, I can't find my voice to put them right. And I'm feeling depressed again. Will it stick this time? I don't know.

That's what I despise about my life. Coming a day after having a wonderful day, in this case, finishing exam and a splendid "date" with someone lovely yesterday,  to feeling absolutely shite today. My mind's not here and I've been looking everywhere for it. To no avail. Maybe that'll be my excuse for a terribly written post such as this. Apologies but goodnight.


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