Born In The Right Time But In The Wrong Place?

Some people chose to have a rich and famous life instead of the not so rich and happy life.
Some chose otherwise.
I'll choose the latter.

I know. Snowboarding in Malaysia is nearly impossible.
Correction. It IS impossible.
Cause there ain't no bloody snow here.
But another hobby that I like is dancing.
Free-style dancing.
But I can't and I don't dance is cause I'm fat.
I know I know.
When you love something, you should do everything you could to achieve it?
Yes. I heard of it.
I've been trying to lose weight since ages ago.
And I only have achieve close to none of it?
Damn. I really should start losing weight.
I need some motivation.
Snowboarding / Dancing possibly? :D
Well. Who knows.
I'm just saying this to keep my blog updated.
Anyways. Nights. :)
I've got training tomorrow morning at 8.
Wish me luck.
They say it's selection...again.

One of the best dancers ever.


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