I Just Want It To Be Like Last Time

You never really know it's there until it's gone right?
Fuck it. I'm damn pissed on Thursday.
Reason. Football Training.
So. Our usual coach said that he won't be coaching us anymore cause he need to take care of his newborn baby kid.
Everyone was feeling dreadful over his decision.
Especially me, since I was under him since I was Standard 6, playing with the likes of Iain when they were still in Form 2-3, while the rest just came when 1-2 years ago.
It came to really a point where I really don't feel like going to training anymore when they told us that
Hanafiah / Narul was going to coach us.

But then this year they said that they are gonna hire a coach from the outside.
But where is he now? bitch.
So what happen on Thursday was that,
there were a lot of people that came.
Oh yeah. It was selections day. That's what they say.
Anyways, since I play at center back, usually with Navinjit,
I thought I let the form 3 play first cause
Aaron , Damien , Imran they all not playing,
usually the team line up for the defence is me , Navin , Imran and Ian.
So, they played , the first game over.
Me and few other guys went up and thought we were gonna play again.
"noooo" he said,
I was like fuck? The same team played again.
I calmed down and started training with them again.
When the match was done with ,
we went again and was told we could play.
I went and play at right back.
And to be honest , I didn't have a bad game,
I went into every tackle and won every one.
And what the fuck?
You fucking sub me out?
For what reason? You want to give the rest a chance to play.
Fuck you bitch, if you want let everyone a chance to play
The fuck did you let the same team played twice in a row?
Incredible stupid.
Oh. And right after I kena subbed out,
the opposite team scored, 4-7 times.
Dammit. I don't feel like playing for the school team anymore.
Fuck it. Not like we're going anywhere with it.

I missed it when it was this team that did better than the Under-18.
At least we won a couple matches.


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