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Tell me 'bout it.

One of the songs performed at BSD's IU day.
Uninspired by Djezna's Stalker.

Day by day ,
my hope of living starts diminishing .
Nothing about me .
Is good.
I look at others. They all have talent.
Some have the brains ,
some have talent.

I'm so jealous of lots of people ,
they can play the guitar.
they can take really good photos.
they can play football really well.
they can sing.
they can dance.
and the list goes on.

I can't do shit.
Even writing this post , I feel like just deleting the whole thing altogether.
Nothing is likable about me.

I really want a person , I can tell everything too.
Check family out. It's so weird.
Dad's away.
Mum's busy with work.
2 older brothers the gap are just too much.
The stuff me and my sister share are close to none.
I feel that I'm all alone in this world.
Sure I have friends ,
but eventually they are all going to lead their own life right?

Sometimes , we all have to make that one decision
and take that one chance to change our whole life altogether right?
Hopefully that chance even come.
Dream come true? Maybe.


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