With All The Time

We're given all this time.
Our time are limitless , it's free.
It's all upon onto us.
I don't mean about time that are there for us to finish something.
I'm talking about time to achieve something.
Achieve something that makes you happy.
Do something that gives you that sense of pleasure, and relieve.
I think, this is what they call life.
To some, life may just be the existence of one being.
Not all have the same thoughts about life.
That's the way it looks.

Anyways, I've just changed my tumblr theme.
Give it a look. Here.
Or you can just see it here.
Simple and all.
Just how I like it.
If you like what you see, give it a follow if you haven't.
And look at Tobs.
Showing her game face as usual. :')

Does anyone know where I can get plugs?
Not to pierce the ear, that is settled.
But the plugs itself.
Preferably this.
They look so good.
Don't they?

To end it,
let us hear something from a man with a beard.
Men with beard are always wise.


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