Words Are Just Words If You Do Nothing With It.

Don't know why, these past weeks been pretty mundane even though it's been pretty eventful.
With 3 movies in 4 days , may I say,
the past 4 movies I watched pretty much, disappointing.
Step Up : Revolution
Expendables 2
The Three Stooges
Bourne Legacy.

Bourne Legacy ain't bad but oh god, Three Stooges is by far the worst film I ever watched this year,
alongside Ice Age 4.

Anyway, it's just another post of me ranting about life and all.
I seriously need to stop hating on everybody that I talk to.
I can't seem to turn to one corner and not see a person that I hate, have an tremendous amount of dislike.

All well, lately,
I've been writing a couple of songs.
All's never finished.
My level of vocabulary sucks.

Though, there's one that I wrote and gave it to Fila for a "review"
She says it's pretty good.
Just need to finish it and find the right tune.
We shall see then?


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