Peace and Tranquillity

Peace and Tranquillity,
that's the only thing I'm really searching for these days,
all round I look, people are stressing out,
be it the examinations, be it someone's wedding, be it life,
everybody's stressing, and I can't do anything,
I'm never good in education, I'm never good in planning,
And don't say anything about life,
don't ever think of asking someone who yearn for death about life.
It's all about society, society brought us up this way,
society brought me up this way.
I did not chose this path,
I did not wish for this path,
it was unfortunately given to me,
it was fortunately not given to others.
I'm glad to do my part,
but I'm not happy with it.

This is my way of escaping from society,
this is the sole reason why I
do not wish to live in Malaysia,
don't get me wrong, Malaysia
is a beauty, it's a nice place to live,
not the best, and they are going to get better,
bar the "symptoms of gay" issue,
p.s, when I saw symptoms of gay,
I instantly thought it was/is pretty stupid idea,
being gay is not a disease, nobody should be discriminated because of their sexual preference. It's a lifestyle that they chose.
But Malaysia doesn't really fit the bill of leaving life to the fullest, there aren't really anything to do here,
there are immense noises everywhere, there are pure stupidity everywhere, it's just all bullshit.
So generally, this is not a place to place to "live"
I really don't mind if you give me a one way ticket to Siberia, living alone in the woods,
only you, the snow, the sound of nature, and maybe a Siberian husky by your side,
I really think a lot, I love thinking,
and generally, that's why I don't mix with people well,
I do too much thinking that I'm pushing everybody out of my life,
everybody's a different person,
everybody's mind is different,
you can never find one person who is exactly the same as you,
But at least there's that someone, who
understands you the most,
who love to go on an adventure with you,
and no, I'm not talking about love,
just a couple of people, out there,
searching for life, for adventure.
How hard is that?
Apparently it's the most difficult wish.

Album of the Post.
Really enjoyed this album, one of the best I've listened all week.
And best of all,
Spector are coming down !
But it's on the 6th October,
it's too near to the exams,
and I'm broke.
Oh damn.


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