It's Not Just A Dream

Some of you might know that I rarely get dreams. In some cases, I can only experience one dream in a month. So getting 3 dreams in 2 weeks was amazing.

The first and second was pretty cool. I was a brown American grizzly bear in the first, walking on a field, towards the beginning of a jungle, and just took a swipe at the air and the second I was a cat, don't remember anything from it to be honest.

The third one was amazing!
It was the best dream I have ever had in my whole entire life.
And it is certainly one of the best thing that have ever happened to me, and yes, that includes the reality.

So here's what happen,
Cheney and Pinoe.
I was walking with a girl down a road, we're on the higher ground, and to our left was a blue wall, and since we're on the higher ground, we could see everything down there. Then I saw a girl, who looks really familiar,  and I started shouting, "TOBIN , TOBIN , TOBIN". And then, the girl looked at us, and waved! I was like starstruck, then she started walking to us while holding a jersey , intending to give us. I looked to my left and saw the girl climbing over the blue wall and onto the other side, I followed her and do so, then we ran our lungs out to minimize the gap between us and Tobin. Eventually we got to her, it was a playground, on the swing, we saw a girl packing stuffs into her bag and leaving with her little brother. Just behind her, I spotted 3 of Tobin's teammate, Lauren Cheney, Megan Rapinoe and Lori Lindsey, but I wasn't as excited as for Tobin Heath. I mean, it's Tobin Heath! So we went to her, and asked for an autograph, she gave me a jersey, and for some reason, we were just standing there, looking at what she was doing, while she was on her phone, a blackberry I think , in reality, she's using a iPhone, back to her, so we were just standing there, Tobin then looked at the girl beside me and said, the boy's cute, pointing to me, I went all jelly at that moment! She then said, before this, I already thought that you were cute, I went jelly again then asked,
"This is the first time you've met me, how could you even see me before?"
"I track your tweets"
Right at that moment! My legs gave up on me and went all super jelly, only by holding on to the fence at my side I could stand straight.

Yeah sure, it's just a dream, but it was the best thing that has ever happened to me,
right on that night, my insomnia kicked in, I went to bed at 12.30, at 4am, I was still awake.
Then the sleep came and that dream started appearing. And, by saying that dream was one of the best thing that has ever happen to me in reality, it is true. Almost nothing in reality has such a big effect on my thoughts.
It certainly was the best thing ever.
Hands down.


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