Beginning Of Something New.

While the whole world is either rejoicing that the world didn't end right at this moment or worrying about it happening on another day, I'm just here on the computer, meh-ing and shouting "IT'S JUST A BLOODY DATE ON THE BLOODY CALENDER" on every 12/21/12 post that I see on Facebook and Twitter. When the whole Mayan Calender thing emerge as the top news few years back, my mind was thinking, it will not happen because it is just illogical. But it's just my opinion , so don't care of me.

But well, let's just go with the "trend". Before today is over, and supposedly we don't survive from the "apocalypse" , I'm just going to list out the few people and things that I am grateful for in my life before it is all over.

As most of you all know, I despise people, the whole of civilization to be accurate. But there are a handful of people that I actually love and maybe I care about , others that I've not listed in , might be in it, but oh well.

People always have this saying , "Born in the wrong world , wrong time and into the wrong family"
Let me have my say on this phrase, in my opinion , I'm born in the wrong world but not the wrong time and definitely into the right family, I love my family to the max , and would nothing to "exchange" them for another family, I love every one of them to bits, from my grandmother to my cousin , if you are reading this, no matter you are in Sabah , PJ. or Australia or even the moon to be exact, I am proud to be part of the Jenkins Pingguan family , thank you for that.

Friends , colleagues , idols, they WILL play a part in your life, no matter how small or how enormous it is, be it the past , the present or the future, but their presence will leave an impact on your life , and sometime you go on thinking, today I am grateful that I meet "XXX" and the impact that he/she has made in my life, so here's my say on those that has made my life a little bit meaningful and slightly colourful.

  • Beverly , Jiao Yin and Jonee, you guys are one of the best "positive" in my life, it has always been dark , dull and dim , but ever since I've met you guys, bit by bit, your presence has coloured my life, with a little green and maybe a shade of violet, there's still a lot of grey and white to paint on, but I believe that we will go on , painting each other's life, remembering each other until the death of us.
  • Darren , Chee Kong , Hanson , what can I say about Darren? He's the one with the insane brain of doing the absolute most stupidiest thing ever exist, but hey, it won't be him if he wouldn't do something of the sort, Chee Kong is always the most reliable one that I've ever known, I wouldn't mind trusting him with my life if the chance came, and Hanson, my oh my Hanson, sometime you do not think, and most of the time, you're doing something whacky, but yet, you can still acquire amazing results with anything you do, so kudos to you for that!
  • Soon Way , Wai Zhung and Zheng Yi , along with Chee Kong and Hanson, the gaming buddies! With the 6 of us, we make up the unbelievably noob team known as Slask Dota, but hey, it's fun and that's what we yearn for!
  • Jeslynn , there's so much thing to say about you, cause in overall, I guess you're the one of the only two person that actually understand what my saying on life itself. You've helped me as much as I've helped you. Hey, don't let those things that I associate "temporary happiness" get to you and always remember and love the things that gives you "permanent happiness"
  • Zoe , hey! The other of the two person that I explained before, there's so much things that we have in common, be it snowboarding , our views on the whole of civilization and the beautiful places of Earth, the world won't end today because we haven't tried out snowboarding, though, you did went skiing before, we haven't go and visit the places that we would soon to reside in, and we haven't do achieve something meaningful in our life, there must be time for that and that is what we aim for! Is it?
Now for the things that I mention, these things are the one that I like to generalize as "temporary happiness' , because it will only gives us happiness for that moment and not for our future, I mean things like mobile phones , gifts , magazines , new shoes , new clothes. Those that gives me genuine and permanent happiness are that of a result of a particular event , a relationship , shared bonds with someone in particular.

There's probably about a million grammatical error in the post and I should stop here, because the more you write, the more likely you will fail and falter. But don't let that get to you! Shall end it with not one, not two but three photos and GIFs that I find especially interesting on Tumblr.

The one that I find most interesting, but hey,
any quote by the legendary
Rocky Balboa is anythin but interesting,
 don't you think?
 “Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men, we didn’t have any kind of prison.
Because of this, we had no delinquents.
Without a prison, there can be no delinquents.
We had no locks nor keys and therefore among us there were no thieves.
When someone was so poor that he couldn’t afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift.
We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private property.
We didn’t know any kind of money and consequently, the value of a human being was not determined by his wealth.
We had no written laws laid down, no lawyers, no politicians, therefore we were not able to cheat and swindle one another.
We were really in bad shape before the white men arrived and I don’t know how to explain how we were able to manage without these fundamental things that (so they tell us) are so necessary for a civilized society.”

— John (Fire) Lame Deer

And lastly, try doing this.
Look at the GIF closely , and right at the last moment, close your eyes and think of nothing, you will feel that the moment of leaving life and onto something new, a new beginning, will actually rid of the burden that you're bringing for the past lifetime that you've live in, death is not something that should be despise on, it is something beautiful and some sort of a mirror for us to leave our burden, but hey, don't be stupid and kill yourself because I said so and you're feeling what I'm saying. Never ever listen to me cause all I say is pure bullshit.

Editing this post 30 minutes after posting it.
Remember when I said about the temporary happiness thing? I'll make an exception, snowboarding is that ONE thing that is capable of making a person genuinely happiness.  Watch it, I was smiling all the way from the first second of the video! And for some, you will too. :)


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