Chapter 22


"Congratulations on the end of your internship. What would you do now?"

That was the question that was posed to be on the last day of July 2018. What would I do now? That was the question isn't it?

To be brutally honest with you, since that day I never was troubled with my future. At least, consciously I wasn't worried about it. I believed I had did enough during my studies to warrant a good job. I believed that I wasn't the worst of the litter, that I deserved a good job.

But the past few days has opened my eyes. Maybe it was my fever acting up and making me overthink but the mind was playing old clips of the olden times. I remembered a time where I did a super great job at a certain something and believed I warrant a simple praise. In the end, I got a scolding for not preparing well enough for the next task.

I remembered a time when I met with a well respected relative of mine. He had held a relatively high post during his younger time and gave me invaluable advice. Whilst telling me of his story, he mentioned that one day, his company's boss who was based in Singapore at the time, came down and noticed my uncle working, he motioned my uncle's supervisor over and said something that would stick with him and me for a long time, he said "Look at that man. He will go far in life."

"He will go far in life."

Yesterday I went to lunch with my mum and her friend. We went to this cafe which was owned by a great man named Jimmy. We shall refer to him as Uncle Jimmy now. Uncle Jimmy owns 4 restaurant and has traveled far and wide, working and opening his mind to greater horizons. He sat down with us amidst his busy schedule. While he was talking, I noticed he was looking at me for quite some time and eventually he looked at my mum and said, "This boy will go far in life. He's got the personality."

Now, I have never been a religious person in my life. But what this felt like was a message from God. Maybe he knew that deep down I am truly lost in life. I'm not going to lie, I am afraid of so many things. I am afraid of being a failure in life. I am afraid of being a disappointment to my family. I am afraid of being to loser among the group.

I am afraid of losing the one person that gives me energy.

Will I go far in life?


  1. You will go far in life. As far as you wanted to.


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