I've recently tried to figure out the meaning behind my URL, "3avac". Only knowing that it's from a foreign language and is written backwards, I know I won't have to do much to acquire it. Ranging from French to German , Italian to Spanish, didn't manage to find the meaning behind it, was almost going to give up when I suddenly thought of Latin. And there you go, "Hollow".
I find the word "3avac" or "Hollow" an incredibly accurate of a being in me and of my possession. As nothing in us have any sort of "life" in it. Soul you say? Yes, I am a human being. Alive to be exact. But do I have any soul in me? I doubt so. I feel more like a soulless man following a routine everyday without any real intention or cause to do anything meaningful. I guess that's what happens when you have too many thoughts.
Out goes with that, let's talk about something decent shall we?
Started off the day with a little thing that I love, the rain. Some bastard without thought decided to honk his horn for bloody 10 minutes straight woke me up this morning, so I sat there, cursing at that bastard but that didn't seem to matter anymore when I saw the small little sprinkles knocking on my window between the curtains. Just as someone's mind would wander off when they're too into the book they are reading, I always manages to "fly away" and escape the world of this when the rain drops.
And again for the second post in a row, I thought of the future in me, I thought of going to a river nearby the home during one of those early mornings, bringing along a loyal companion in a dog, a fordable chair, a fishing rod and a few fishing baits. And there goes my morning, sitting by the riverside, with the loyal friend, fishing and hoping for a big catch. Quite a way to start off the morning eh? I've always wanted to go fishing to be honest. I remembered this once where my eldest brother brought me to this place near our hometown in Sabah, it was an amazing place to fish. Sadly we didn't bring the rods and baits. But he promised to bring me back to fish, though it didn't happen. But I do not blame him. The fact that I've moved here and his medical condition isn't the best.
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