
These past few days, I've been mad for most of the time, for no particular reason at all. Even the slightest of annoyance, no matter if it's a touch, someone's voice, someone's presence, just that, that's what it takes to "enrage" the wrath inside of. Though, never one to show it. Day by day, the magnitude of hatred, dissatisfaction, this repugnance inside of me, it grows. Not only of the people, but also onto myself, the things I possess. Sometimes, these feelings are so great, that I have not the will to live on, not even for the dream that I yearn for.
Dreams are a thoughts in our mind to keep us sane, to keep us alive, to keep us true to the one thing that we truly believe in. And as most of you know, the only dream that I longed for, is to actually be in the Scandinavia region of the world. Everyone seems to be in a world of their own, with nothing of care for the damned corrupt world. But for now, I can do nothing in achieving that dream other than well, keep dreaming of it. Nothing of this world interest of me, I've distract myself with hours of gamings, days of music, a million words. Guess the only reason why I do so are just to distract my mind off the one man that we all will meet sooner or later, death.

Recently though, I have not the will to do anything. I feel dead in every way. Not a soul in me. It sort of all my soul being sucked til the last bit and there's nothing I could do of it. I've lost the will to talk, to laugh, to do anything at all.

This is bullshit, I feel that for the past 30 minutes, I've been wrote nothing but utter bullshit, text that makes no sense, words that have no feelings... I can't even finish this sentence. I think this post is going to be left as this, probably one of the worst post that I've ever wrote. I feel terrible. I think I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. I feel incredibly sick though with no signs of medical illness except those of signs of vomiting.
I'm going to leave this be, and I'll try to come up with something better this coming days.



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