
Beforehand, I would like to apologize due to the inactivity for the past 2 weeks. There was a test not to mention I was feeling pretty lazy yesterday. And here I am, there's so much things to say, but there's so little that will be said.

Pretty sure you guys had heard the news, that My Chemical Romance broke up, after 12 memorable years. I cannot believe they broke. They have been such an important part of my life. Right from the happy moments in Sabah, to reluctantly moving to PJ, to being in a slight depression to a major one, to right now. They were probably the first band that I actually let down tears for, there's this feeling that MCR is part of me, and now with their break up, it probably isn't.

But just today, Gerard Way posted a message of the situation, here , every letter , every word , every sentence. There wasn't anything that's possible to stop the tear making a mess, it's just that I have loved them since ever and I felt their love towards their fans, you and me alike. And the break was so sudden. But there was a reassuring phrase that Gerard said,

"My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. 
It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you. 
I always knew that, and I think you did too.

Because it is not a band- 
it is an idea. "
 That's when I stopped becoming a bit sad and just leave it be, let it stay the past, and look onto the future. I grew up with the sounds of My Chemical Romance , Fall Out Boy , Paramore , and Linkin Park. What is there left of them today? MCR broke up, two of Paramore's original members left, Linkin Park, there's nothing to say of them. Only hope is that both Fall Out Boy and Paramore's upcoming album better be good. For now, there isn't any thing that we can do to bring back MCR, their memories will live on with us, sing and hoping for a reunion in the near future.

Once again, I apologize, for not being able to keep the post longer, there's nothing but the loss of MCR that is in my head. There's only the memories of them and the tears of mine.


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