
There come a moment in life where we all need an inspiration. Something to inspire us. Something that we can aspire for.

Well, I am truly in need of some inspiration right now. I'm going through life as if it's a controlled and set routine. Everyday's the same, waking up at 6 in the morning just to go to school, and once I'm back, it's either going to be studying or taking a nap. Everyday's the same. I guess that's life, is it? I'm spacing out way to often, I space out when I'm watching a movie, I space out when in a conversation. Having a 4-person conversation with me in it can quickly become 3 due to my spacing out. I guess life is going to fast for me, I need to start taking the advices that I dish out to others.
"Taking everything slowly, one at a time, there's nothing to rush for." 
Guess life is moving too fast for me?

So, I was on YouTube this afternoon and stumbled upon a new video uploaded by Nike Football. It's about a recap of The Chance 2011/12. And boy, did those players and their story inspire. From a unknown player playing in their backyards or an amateur team, to a professional player playing in the top leagues. Player such as Tom Rogic is an inspiration, just two years ago, he was only playing for his district team, then he got into The Chance, won it, impressed some scouts, signed with Central Coast Marines in Australia, and now, he's playing with Celtic in the top league of Scotland. They truly are an inspiration, all of them.

And this Korean lad, Seon-Min Moon along with Tobi Joseph, they got signed to Swedish team, Ã–stersunds FK, and boy, ain't that city a beauty. It's a small town with close knitted community, it's a skiing town, and it practically snows everyday. Maybe I'll settle down there one day? From Denmark to Norway to Sweden. I can't seem to have a particular place to live in, maybe it won't be planned but, could it be by chance? I especially love the moments where something happens out of expectations. They are truly a joy.

And again, I'm back to this topic, I want to get lost. I want to travel the world. And at the same time, I want to have fun doing it, I want to write about it. I really enjoy writing even though I don't write much. It's just that every time, there bound to be thoughts in my head shouting ,
Even at this moment, there's that thought. I don't know. I really need to follow the ways that I shared on twitter, especially #5. I'm consistently beating myself up in everything, just as the thoughts above, it's like a constant battle with myself, with the brain on one corner and the heart in the other. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just don't.

Well back to the topic, Christen Press. She's an American football player playing her game in Sweden. She has been writing a blog about her experiences and all in Sweden, she has always been one of my inspirations, she has her ups and downs, just as everybody does, but dealing with it is the important part of it, and how she deal with her downs are sort of my ups. Sounds stupid yeah. But that's just how I think. I'm weird.

Another inspiration for me would be Andrew Evans. He's a nomad. He's a nomad working for National Geographic. Working on a new project called "Digital Nomad" He's on the road, travelling around the world, constantly posing photos of his adventures both on Instagram and Twitter. He's in Texas now, and by the looks of it, Texas is a beautiful place.

I want to be like them one day, travelling around the world, doing what we love, capturing them with words and pictures. I want to be at London, I want to camp at the edge of the world, I want to take a nap by the cliff of Machu Picchu. There's so many wonderful place in the world, I want to visit all of them!

So come and join me in my little adventure will you? 


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