A Constant Flow Of Motion

Life is a cycle. It always has been. There will be ups and downs in ones life. There will be something in your life or someone for that matter, that will be the thorn of your life while there will be something or someone that's going to be your cushion when you fall. These people, no matter the bad or good, its these incident, are the ones who shape what we are today. I'm going to insert a quote from a respectable man who just retired from football few days back.
"My retirement doesn't mean the end of my relationship with the club, I'm able to now enjoy watching them rather than suffering with them. If you think about it, those last-minute goals, the comebacks, even the defeats, are all part of this great football club of ours. It's been unbelievable, thank you for that." - Sir Alex Ferguson

This year hasn't been the greatest for me. Yet again, when has it been good? But these few days, the whole of this week actually, has been good to me for no particular reason. I shouldn't be happy. I got few papers back from the examination and I got a disappointingly 66/100 for Math paper 2, a dreaded 12/80 for Add Maths, Accounts was just decent. Yet, none of these results managed to even deter my now rare happiness. Maybe I guess it was that one thing that I finally said , "Yes, let it go." And I did let it go. It was something that wasn't terrible but isn't beneficial. And with that off my chest, a piece of the cloud hovering above my head went away and a little sunlight is coming through the little hole in it.

As you may have know, I am wearing glasses now! I'm blind now. Before getting the glasses, I was very excited for it. Cause it not only helps me to see better and clearly, I can concentrate on things better than before. And that is a major achievement as I am very very very easily distracted. With these glasses, I will study hard , study well and hopefully achieve that high up achievement of 9 straight As. With the 9As, life would be so much easier for everybody.  So here's my premature good luck to every student out there with a goal.

Lastly, I just want to tell everybody that is suffering from depression, no matter how small or how big it is , no matter for whatever reason, whether is love or life, whether its studies or work. You will get through. With a little bit of hope. Never ever lose hope. There will always be someone there to listen to you. To pay attention and hopefully offer a bit of advice. Keep in mind that I can and will always be that guy. I'm so good in it I should be a psychologist, but I am not good with people that I don't know. So that's out of the window, anyway, just talk to me. I will always reply if you send me a text / whatsapp / twitter , tumblr whatever.

Oh and last lastly, you know who you are, you know I love you, you boob. In a non sexual way that is. You've been there for me and I am there for you now. Don't let anyone or anything dampen the oh so rare but always genuine and beautiful smile of yours. Nobody wants a sad boob. Though, only I can call you boob. Anyways, I love you you boob. :)

P.s. If you want to see me in glasses, talk to me in school or just go to my instagram.


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