Have You Ever Thought Of It?

There's so many things in life that people tend to brush it off, saying that it's too minor or its too unimportant. Truth is, there is nothing in life that is too minor. Everything happens for a reason, either instantly or for the long run. Take this, your chance of showcase your talent was gripped and stolen from other or you were forced to move to someone far, leaving behind all your friends or just the small matter of not seeing a friend for a day. Everything comes to play. 

I have never really thought of it until recently. Couple days back, in English tuition, the teacher showed us a video clip of an interview between a mother and her 12-year old boy. What's so special about this video? The lad has Asperger's Syndrome. For those who don't know about this, just as me, it's a condition that render one social skill and have a particular interest in something. In the video, Joshua have an special interest in animals. The video started of with a question mainly to break the ice, then it got to the main part, in which Joshua asked his mum whether she thought life is hopeless or why people tend to like his sister more than him or whether he turned out the son she have wanted.

I'm a person who is easily impressed by almost anything. And it's conversations like this that I am impressed. Partly due to the fact that I have not and probably never will have the confidence to ask my parents or anyone as a matter of fact, these type of questions. And he asked her just like that, as blunt as it can get. That's one thing that I really like about Joshua. I extremely like people who are straight and direct, don't go twisting and swirling of everything, because I won't get it. Though with the current state of mankind, its people like these that gets bullied. Nobody can't be special nomore, because it will be taken advantaged off, be laughed at and have its dream torn apart.

I guess it's because of this fear. It's this habit of making me stay away from people. I guess its sort of a habit now for other people to tend to leave me be. At the same time, I am scared. I'm scared of being lonely, of being alone and dying alone. I know I always say that "We were born alone, we were meant to live alone, and we were meant to die alone."  I guess I got that part wrong. I don't want to be alone now. I don't want to die alone. I want someone who I can be crazy with. Someone who doesn't mind being with me no matter what mood I am in.

I enjoy good reads. I especially enjoy good reads from Tumblr. There's just so many creative people on Tumblr. Everybody's so good, either in drawing, editing, photography and my favourite, story writing.
I'm speaking too much now. I'm just going to leave a bit of quotes I gotten from Tumblr on here.


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