A Helping Hand

"He stood there, waves of bodies swarming around him, all walking past him. But to him, their eyes are not looking down on their brightly lit screen, he felt that the world is looking at him. Looking through him, waiting for something extraordinary to happen. A miracle."

That was bad. I have no idea why I wrote that. Please, excuse me. But hey, even the greatest started from the bottom right?

Since I don't know what to write. And I'm in dire need of some relaxation because trials is killing me. This is by far, one of the worst examinations I have ever gone through. Heck, even English was terrible. Let's not talk about that and onto the new , brighter days ahead shall we?

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I think there is something really wrong in me.
Know of the peace that everyone wants to get? When they are in a quiet place , where noise is at its minimal and all in between? Well, hours ago, I was in the cinema. Less than 20 people in the biggest hall of the mall, screen was dark, lights were still lit up, no one was talking. But instead of the peace that I sorely needed. There was a sharp, buzz , frequency sound that went through my mind like an air jet soaring through the skies above you. I closed my eyes, in hope of getting rid of it. It worked to some extent, only minimizing the buzz instead of removing it. I can't even have peace in a quiet hall? Oh bummer.

"The voices inside his head is killing him. Telling him what's right wrong and what's wrong right. He can no longer tell reality from dreams. He screams. No one could hear him. His high vocal notes could only bounce in the inside of his mind."
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 Often, he could not sleep. It's not like he didn't want to. Believe it, he wanted to sleep. Sleep was the only medium he could free himself from the world. Away from the buzzes , away from the whispers, away from the noises. 

But sleep was the last thing he could do. He wasn't born special. He was born as a normal human being with the exception of having difficulties sleeping.

"The clock moved a hand down. It's 4 in the morning. He's in the same position he was in 5 hours ago. He crept to the window, eyes wide open, looking up, the streetlights were duly doing their job, but the light that lit his face wasn't of those below, but they were from the skies."

They say, the darker the night skies, the brighter the stars shine

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