Just Like In The Movies

Last night, I went and watched the new Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire. I was mad excited, I couldn't wait to see what Katniss and Peeta has in store for us, but halfway through the movie, when President Snow announced his Quarter Quell thing, I got so mad. I was so mad I wanted to throw the bucket of popcorn in my hand to the screen. Why was I mad?

I just can't stand the way Snow run Panem, with that, I can't stop myself from comparing modern day society with Snow and the people in the Capitol. People work their ass off, some risking their lives to bring enough food to the table, while people in the Capitol drink some sort of drink to puke so they can stuff more food into their stomach. Is that similar to what's happening in present-day Earth?

The way Snow handled the "uprising" was both comical and cruel. He's killing off every single sign of hope to save his position as the leader of Panem. Look at today's Earth, most countries are , not in a cruel way , at least not publicly , dealing with it's own "prevention is better than cure" by jailing revolutionist , anyone that's capable of bringing a change in the people's mind. Take Edward Snowden for example, he's being pursued, he's being labelled as a traitor to the country when his commendable actions exposed the rats and secrets of the NSA. 'cuse you but Malaysia is under it's surveillance too.

welp, i lost my words, i'm feeling so emotionless and empty these few weeks. especially today. excuse the rant or something or whatever, i tried to minimize as much spoilers as possible so yeah


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