Day 365

31 December 2013
Last day of the year, last 24 hours, last morning , lats noon , last night, all things last that has run it course over the year. The month certainly flew past. As of right now, I thought there were still 2 or 3 weeks from prom night but turns out, we're only 5 days away from it. Come to think of it, all 12 months of the year, including November, flew past like it was nothing. It sounds like nothing but it's far from that. It's everything.

2013 is not just a year. It's not just 4 numbers. It's the last year that I'll be in high school, SMK Taman Sea, academically not the best, but I couldn't ask for any other. I've got the fondest of memories here. I've met people that've etched onto my heart, people I'll never get off my mind, the greatest teacher any student could have asked for. I've completed a part of my life here. A chapter of my life that I can always look back with a smile.

And as always, with every experience, you learn something new about yourself. You unravel something in you with every step you take. Prior to this year, I never knew I was such a hothead. I mean I know I would get really angry sometime. But not this often. Something petty like a kid playing with another kid unintentionally blocked my way in the mall perked me a little bit. *little bit is an understatement* So, let me express my utmost apologies.

Prior to 2013 , I rarely read, storybooks that is. I read a book once in awhile. But this year, I've been reading more than I have had in the 16 years before this, I found myself engrossed in Looking For Alaska. I teared up when THAT happened, I went with The Fault In Our Stars , though in my opinion, wasn't as good as Looking For Alaska but I am so stoked for the movie. Before I knew it, I've completed 4 books of John Green when I should be studying for SPM.Then came Big Bad Wolfs, this was the first time I've went to BBW, and it was splendid. Packed, sweaty but filled with somewhat dust-covered books. Oh! The joy. But it pains me to see how people treat books. They just throw them aside after finding them uninteresting. Cover folded, pages torn, it was so depressing. You just can't do that people.

Still in the entertainment section, special mention goes to It's Kind Of A Funny Story. This was truly the first ever movie I got hooked on. This was/is the first ever movie I , intentionally, watched more than 3 times. This movie , in some way, brought upon a verse of firsts on me, and it saddens me to see the world loses the author few days back.
(thanks Ned)
I've found myself the joy of tea, the enjoyment of having a group of people or even just yourself, to just sit, talk and basically chill. It's as if the world slow down for you, no longer were the sights of cars flying past you, no ear-piercing sounds. You're in your own world, with your own time, with the people you love.

In a way, 31st December 2013 may not be the last, it's just a beginning of a book. All these experiences, memories, all has an ending. But it itself is the beginning. The first of many hopefully. I don't know what's coming in 2014. It may be good. It may be bad. But I know I'll face 2014 with memories of 2013 lingering in my mind.

Happy New Year


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