Dreams or Nightmares?

You all might have known this for awhile but I'm a dreamer but I do not dream when I'm asleep, but ever since I came to Australia, I've dreamed 6 times in the first 4 nights. That is something to be proud of considering I rarely get a good night's sleep let alone a dream. What could it be? The 41'c weather? The ever expensive foods? The people? I don't know but I'm loving it. I love having dreams at night. It's like an escape from reality. Whereas in a dreamless sleep, it's pitch black. Don't get me wrong , I love the dark but nobody can stay in the same place all their life. They need an escape, a change once in awhile.
And these dreams weren't just ordinary dreams. It was, in a way, a message. Take the first dream I got when I was here for the first time. It was a day out with Jonee , Jiao Yin , Beverly and Teik Lim. Two days before that, we had a night out, just talking and spending some quality time before I leave for here. I just realised, I'll be missing 3 of their birthday while I'm here, and just barely arriving for Jo's. God, that realisation is terrible. I'm close to tears knowing that. sigh.

Back to the dream, in the dream, we were in a place that looked like One Utama, we weren't shopping, we weren't window shopping, we weren't drinking coffee, we were there just sitting on the couch, a red couch, 3 red couch arranged in a rectangular shape with one side left empty, the floor was decorated with nice comfortable carpet. Just right I shall say. And I was sitting in the middle couch. Time moved forward in the dream but the sky did not. Their forward was our backward. I was sitting on the couch with Jiao Yin on my left with Teik Lim and Jonee on my right. Beverly wasn't anywhere to be seen. The skies were dark. Closing time maybe?

Then minute by minute, the skies got brighter and soon the sun came out and it's rays perch through the window panes. Along that came with it was Beverly. That's how she is, always busy but she'll always be there when she's needed. And in that exact moment, I needed her, for a reason I longer know. It was a simple dream. It was a quiet dream. No words were spoken. Tears were seen. People walked past minding their own business and we were just sitting there. Really though, you don't need words to appreciate people. I'm grateful enough to be blessed by their presence.

Not all dreams were happy dreams though, some were nightmares, or shall I say dreams that weren't so happy. Once, I was out with a agent or some sort, we were out on a dinner and he brought along his date. A pretty lady in a gorgeous blue dress that justified it's wearer. So we were having our dinner in a fancy restaurant and suddenly, a giant lizard was outside the window and sirens can be heard. The lizard stared straight at the glass window, and though the place was crowded, I had a feeling that he was straight through me and into my soul. I was terrified. The patrons in the restaurant were terrified. Though terrified, they did what the agent told them to do, flip through the menu as if nothing is happening. Sirens wailing, humans flying, I was terrified and ran for my life. The lizard was in front of me and somehow, the ignorance of the patrons made him lose it and his head just popped. 

Though a nightmare, I appreciated it. I wanted it. I enjoyed the dream. Terrified, but I woke up with a smile across my face. God, I'm a weird kid. 

Few days later, I had the best dream of my life. It started out really awkward and it ended fantastic if not painfully. Don't laugh though I'm sure you've been "loling' your way here.

So I was in the theatre with a buddy of mine watching a movie. You know it's a good movie when everybody was rushing down to get a piece of the main actress. So I was in front of her when a man came up to her and said "Can I go out with you?" She said no and I playfully replied, "I bet I don't stand a chance eh?" , I was surprised when she said "Actually yes."

So the next day I was out with her, my buddy tagged along while she brought a friend too. Though not a date but we were trying. We were on a beach , they were working while we were working to get into their hearts. There were a concert going, the band was playing to a rather small crowd. A handful of 50 people maybe? So we tried everything. We tried to impress them. We flew with the big kites. We gave them big balloons. We gave them that in return for a few giggles. The day was ending and we were giving up when we took a tray with juice on it and gave it to the girls after a hard day at work. Who knew a simple act such as that could open the lock to their heart? So in the end, I got the girl of my dreams while my buddy got his. With a little twist, the main actress earlier was named Tamaki while her friend goes by the name Joy. My buddy got Tamaki and I got Joy.

Joy was the girl of my dreams, quite literally. She was beautiful with pretty red , short hair. She wasn't too extravagant , yet she wasn't too simple. She was just right. Moments later, I find myself in the middle of town with no one. I was wandering around and though, maybe they left me. So I turned around, took my worn out bike and started paddling home. Somewhere later, something inside of my brain flicked and I realised what a mistake I had made and I turned around, back to where I started. I went through KFC, ran past Hariz and their group of friends and made my way to a fast food chain, I can't remember which though, sorry. 

I scanned through the premise but no signs of both Tamaki , Joy or my buddy. I walked past one aisle, and another and another until my legs gave in and I just stood by one of the doors when one hand was raised and my name was shouted. It was a girl from a group of girls, friends of both Tamaki and Joy. She was African-American girl with big bushy hair, and she said "Sorry, Tamaki just left." And she was met with surprised and a big smile when I said, "Oh okay, but what about Joy?" , she looked back to her friends and with a big smile and a chorus of laughter behind, she said , "She just left too. If you go now , you might be able to chase her." And with that, off I gone, to find the girl of my dreams once again. Ceased of the reason, I was happy of that moment. I felt something I rarely feel in reality, true happiness. 

And so I off, back on my worn out bicycle, waving through cars , in and out of alleys, I was even hit by one car. And I can still feel the pain when I woke up in the morning. It was because of this pain that made me want to look for Joy in reality. I want my Joy. In the end, I couldn't find Joy in my dream, but I went home happy. And I woke up happy, albeit a back pain from the earlier "crash" from the car. Will I find Joy in reality?

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God, I've been reading my past post and it was terrible. The last one especially. How in the world did I lay out that post with those pictures? Oh god. Oh speaking of pictures, I don't think I'll post pictures of my trip here. It'll be on my instagram I guess. It's too much of work to port in my phone in a a computer that doesn't have Zune. Sorry about that. I need a new phone. The photos aren't great anyway.

Before I end the post, happy belated birthday to Beverly again. I'm sorry I can't be with you for this special occasion. I promise you that buffet and you will get a buffet! When I come back. :)

I have a friend once,
Her name was Beverly,
She had her special day,
not long ago,
I'm sorry I couldn't be there,
but she has always been a good friend,
in times of ups and downs,
she was there,
she made me feel I wasn't alone,
she made me realise,
the sun was still doing it's duty everyday,
and she made me a better person,
for better or worse.


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