The Secret Life Of Stan Jenkins?

So I got a chance to watched The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty the other day, and safe to say, it's a good movie to start off 2014 with. Everything about the movie is so good. Every bit part of it was so beautiful. Even my mom liked it and that's something considering she's not really into movies that are well, "slow."

And the fact that they shot in Greenland and Iceland was a big bonus. The volcano in the movie was explosive ! , the ocean part was sublime , and Walter "zones out" a lot, and well, I do too. Sometimes I would just sit there in a room filled with people but I'm really not there. I would be Alaska playing with the bears or something. *I'm sorry if today's post is a bit messy , I don't know what's wrong, ever since I got sick few weeks ago, I'm always seem to be flying, not literally. My mind would daze off , basically zone out without zoning out. That doesn't make sense. It's like everything is a pace slower when it is in fact a pace faster. I'm doomed for college life. Maybe Perth life for 3 months will ease me off."

Speaking of Perth, I'm leaving in less than 48 hours. I really don't know what to expect except for a really
slow life. What I really hope from Perth is the good food and hopefully the good people. Maybe some 6am walk around the neighbourhood? Do you know, even though I'm more of a night owl than a morning person but I like 6am walks. I mean, did you see the set of photos someone took while he was in Japan? Sure you did. If you haven't, you will because I'm putting them up.

Basically, I'm just writing about what I like because I really don't know what to write about. Maybe I'm just worried that I'll be the forgotten man while I'm gone. Me going off to somewhere far for 3 months is littered with "FORGET ME" signs , isn't it?

Can we just take a moment and see how perfect this is? I don't know what about United Kingdom that made me want to go there but maybe it's because of the weather that's known as the "gloomy weather" with the ever-lasting rains and bone-freezing snow.
Is it the music scene? Neck Deep hello? Did you hear Wishful Thinking? It's so good. Oh Bring Me The Horizon, they're more than perfect. Did you know, beside Ryan Gosling , my other man crush is Oli Sykes? It might even be bigger than those of Gosling's.

I really don't know what to say anymore. I'm so lost. That's so typical of me.
Oh well, here's a closed up pic of a really nice pupil of someone's. Yes, I love eyes a lot. I promise you, I'm weird and you might not like me.

Can you see how perfect it is?

Oh God, I'm worried for college. I'll be a loner again. sigh.



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