50 Days Of Relentless Patience

Before the hand meet it's other half on the clock mounted on the wall, it's 50 days before my salvation. The plane back to Malaysia. Don't get me wrong, I would be lying if I say I didn't had a single moment or two that I relish here in Down Under. But to people like me, it really isn't about the place that makes the trip worthwhile, it's who you're there with. 9 times out of 10, I'm not here complaining about wanting to go back to Malaysia for it's weather, it's politics, it's food... okay, maybe the food play a small part, ehem MyBurgerLab...

But I'm complaining about wanting to go back to play frisbee with the assholes / fatties , late night coffee with the doofuses, yelling and screaming at the cunts on dota. God, I even miss writing at 2am back home. There's something about Australia that makes me NOT want to write. Or writing one that's not worthy of any of your precious time. Just few days ago, I had a massive breakdown after trying and trying to write something. But to no avail each time. Knowing that without a capable pair of hands making quality and engaging sentences out of solitary words, I wouldn't have a career. That's the only thing I can say that I'm not disastrous of. But thanks to the encouragement of a certain few ( thanks Ed ) , I managed to get the post out.

Even with that, it wasn't a post I'm proud of. Heck, I'm not even proud of what I wrote in the past couple paragraphs. But whatever that takes to ensure this blog won't die will do.

Well screw with that. I would be sinning if I say last night was every other normal night. So here's what happened, it was 12 something, everybody else were asleep and I, the usual night owl was up using the computer, heard a faint scream from outside. Worried, I dropped everything and managed to focus all my attention to that faint scream amidst the silence. Hearing nothing, I opened up the media player and watched City Of Ember. Before putting in the other earphone in my ear, I heard another scream. This time louder. A yell then ensued. Then cries. Then the doorbell rang. Now, I was very worried. No, I was terrified. Not knowing what to do, I called on my aunt and mother who was sleeping in the next room.

Then from afar,  I could hear a guy's voice, "Fuck you bitch! Come back here!" Now, after hearing this, my mind shouted "OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR YOU DICK. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / RAPE. DO YOU WANT BLOOD TO BE SHED BECAUSE OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE?" But my old ladies suggested otherwise. Now I had a time to think. And after hearing them say "Must be the drunk aboriginals." Now, not discriminating anybody here but I'm telling the truth, aboriginals here are notoriously known for their rowdy and violence when they're drunk. While I was engrossed in my thoughts, the noises went away and the silence was back to wrap this quiet suburban neighbourhood.

When we all thought it was back to normal, the doorbell rang once again. Then another. Then another. Eventually, the cops were called in. But they arrived an hour late after inspecting the neighbourhood. By then the "suspects" were long gone. The next morning, it was all cleared up when our next door neighbour came and apologized to my aunt. The clouds started to clear up more when another neighbour that have stayed for 4-5 years in this part of the neighbourhood said that this happens once every 2 months or so. Domestic disputes maybe. And they have a elder kid aside from the 2 young ones at home in prison. Welp.

Oh well. There won't be any picture in today's post. Sorry about that. You must be gauging your eye back in by the time you're reading this. Oh you know what else I'm excited for when I'm back in the turbulent country of Malaysia? Being back in school. Oh I miss school. And getting a new desk from IKEA ( hopefully ), I never knew I loved walking through IKEA until the other day. I enjoyed assembling things from IKEA too. Good traits added onto my resume. And Game Of Thrones Season 4 is coming out on the 6th of April. A good 3 days before I'm due in Malaysia. And maybe a new phone? Hopefully the Nexus 6 doesn't disappoint and it's price point isn't too far of from it's predecessor , the Nexus 5.

Well, g'day mate.

sorry for that. :p


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