King Of Speed

Today when I went for a swim in the pool, when I was deep down in the freezing cold waters, I opened my eyes and looked and thought , "Boy oh boy, being down in the water sure feel something." I came up, gasping for air and swam like I normally did.

But this time, at the other end of the pool, beside the water pump, was a little white flower. I'm not a flower expert so I can't tell you the name, but, down in the water, the walls were clean, the waves were doing their thing was this little flower. It was so beautiful that it didn't feel real. Too bad I didn't had a GoPro then eh? Without thinking, I put my palms underneath the flower and brought it up to the surface. And instantly, without hesitation, the flower just died off. Like it's life was over once it was brought up to surface. To reality.

This made me think. Is life that fragile? Is reality such a bitch that it will kill you the moment you resurface to reality? To be frank with you, I do not know the answer. I've been a wuss all my life. Backing out the things that I want to do, not checking the thing of my bucket list, not eating that delicacy. God, the list goes on and on. Heck, just last weekend, whilst in Fremantle, I was on the beach, just doing nothing really. Down by the corner of my eyes were this gorgeous girl sitting down by the rocks. A skateboard by her side and a beanie protecting her from the evening breeze Autumn brings. Did I mention she was gorgeous? She was perfect in every way. But I couldn't bring myself to speak a word to her. That moment in my mind, I was going through things like , "Hey, this might sound weird but you're really beautiful" , "Hi there, I don't know whether anyone have ever told you this, but you're gorgeous." But in the end, I couldn't myself to do it. Ask me on the spot, I will tell you , "Oh, my family was leaving. I gotta go too." One word. Bullshit. Yes that's true in a sense but that wasn't the thing that stopped me from that. It was because I was a wuss. 

Few days later, I was watching a show called "Idris Elba : The King Of Speed" and in this episode of the show, he was in Finland learning how to rally drive with the legendary, Ari Vatanen. Ari's a retired rally driver. Mention rally driving, and you'll probably hear Ari's name along with it. He's that good. But he's not perfect. In 1985, he was involved in a crash in Argentina so deadly and so voracious, that no one thought he could survive. But when Idris asked him about it, did he, and would he slow down after being in that horrific crash. He simply said , to which I quote , "I believe you need to follow the goal of your heart, because if you try to avoid your destiny, you can't avoid it anyway. A banana skin in life is waiting for you, around the corner." Further on the show, when Idris came back driving a full scale car in the rally track, days after he crashed a toned down version of the car in the same track, Ari said "He's passionate about life, he's passionate about his real work but he's just as passionate about driving, about speed. And he wants to discover it, he doesn't mind putting his neck down the line, well that's how one should do it. Push your limit further." 

Who knew a show talking about speed and automobile would made me think this way. It was that moment that made me rethink what I should be doing off of my life. I shouldn't be regretting the things that I never did. I shouldn't be thinking of what ifs and what not. I should be thinking back of the moment that I did it. I should be checking things off my bucket list. Not regretting about missing the chance. 


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