Just a quick update guys, I've written so much in the past few hours that I don't wanna write anymore. I'm beat, I'm tired and all I want is a good ol sleep. But before that, there should be a new post to be shown to the world together with the new theme.

So guys, how is it? Before everything, I would like to clarify that I DID NOT make the theme. I merely took it and tweaked it around... for 5-6 hours. It took me so long but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Things aren't done though, there's still some stuff to be done with the bucket list and the planned music player. But let's put that aside for now. Tell me all the criticism and praise of the theme. This is really the first time that I've done something like this. Previously, there were only minor tweaks like including affiliates into the page and that's it. Also, this is the first time that I'm actually publicizing my blog to the world.

Go through everything. Tell me everything. What you hate, what you love. But remember to go through everything, the profile tab, the speech tab, but most importantly the memories tab. If you see a photo that you don't like, just give me a newer one that  you and I are in it and I'll replace it. We don't have a photo together? Then we gotta make a new photo when I get back then aye? 18 more days guys!

And the blogroll tab, if you have a tumblr or a blog , and want to be included into the blogroll, drop a message and I'll do it right away. The more the merrier. Note that my page hasn't been updated for few months because the laptop I'm using right now doesn't have the program for to be updated automatically from iTunes. Again, 18 more days.

Lastly, the check tab. That's basically my bucket list. Though it's not ready to be shown to the world, it is a work in progress. Check back in a few week times and you'll see it. And that's it. It's 3am and I've never felt this happy about something I've done. So goodnight guys.

Remember to leave a message. It means a lot to me. :)


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