Three Paths To Glory , A Thousand More To Failure

Back in 2011 , I was settled on my dream occupation, that was to be a writer. But even then, I had a special liking for psychology. And recently, with time on my hands, I was spending my time watching the news and one day, when it came round the Finance part of the program, I was captivated by how so little changes in numbers bring forth a million dollar losses or gains for some. That said, I still have no significant love for money. No, I will not and do not wish to be the next Donald Trump. I do not want to be a stock broker.

I do not want to see myself pulling my brains out in Wall Street. Simply said, I do not wish to be The Wolf of Wall Street. And no, I have not seen that movie. Someone bring me back!

So with the simple process of elimination, that leaves 2 paths. Apologize me for forgetting to warn you guys this may not be an enjoyable post. Then again, when has it ever been enjoyable? The point of this post is to lay out what path am I going to seek when I'm back in the motherland. In less than 2 weeks time, we'll be getting our SPM results certificate. With that certificate, officially starts off the next phase of our adolescent life.

Before I left Malaysia for Down Under, I had already signed up for INTI's Foundation In Business IT course and had paid the RM300 required as the registration fee. So officially, I am a INTI student. But after some thoughts, I had decided to not pursue foundation but A-Levels ( oh what have I gotten myself into ) , I could still be a INTI student if not for the amount of greens I need for it. As it stand, I am likely to be a BAC student soon.

Anyways, being a writer. I still want that. I still want to work with The Verge / Red Bull at one point of my life. But am I cut out to be one? My grasp of English may be decent, but is it decent enough to warrant a position at such highly competitive environment? Do I have the mentality to work for them through and through and not neglect a single article? Heck, I made a Wattpad account a few weeks back , hoping to surprise you lot with a story but fast forward to today, I haven't even wrote a single letter on it.

Look at that, it's so simple but it speaks so much. I can never do that. From a scale of 0 to John Green with 0 being the lowest, I would be like -100. And I am not saying that for the sake of saying it.

Psychology, what brings me to it? I don't know really. I guess I really sort of have an interest in psychology when I first set foot on West Malaysia. Was I intrigued by how one departure can affect a whole community and how a million departure wouldn't affect one man. Was that it? I don't know. It's those sort of thing that come to your mind and leave. It should have , that it. Few years later, I'm still intrigued by psychology and am really serious in taking a course on it one time or another in my life. Maybe that time is now.

But what am I going to do come 2020?

That's the thing about me, I am afraid of taking that leap. That extra bit of faith. I can never bring myself to climb something that high. I'll be more afraid of the consequences than I am living the moment. I know that's my problem, but I am not doing anything about it. I'm afraid of doing something about my fear.


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