
You see, I have a serious problem, that is my inability to make acquaintances, to make friends. I don't what it is but there's something about me that people just refuse to take a liking to. I miss talking heart to heart to people, seeing eye to eye with them, not just a one-way conversation. Right now I can't even get a conversation done because there's no one. The room I'm in has at least 150 seats, that's 150 souls including the lecturer, and none of them acknowledge me.

Take yesterday for example, my first day in BAC, didn't expect much, went and sat in a row and the group in front of me said hi. Well that's nice, you're friendly people. The next day, today, went back to the same row, "Oh sorry whole row taken. Bye." Like what. Okay. :(

I want to go back to Taman Sea guys. I want to go to HELP with Wan Teng they all. Like seriously, if this goes on for the rest of the 14 months I have due here, I'd gone mad, I'd go back to my original state in Form 4 where sharp things were my best friends.  I'd killed myself.



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