
I don't know about you but I think that college works through day and night with not only our money but our energy. I think their mere existence is to drain all of our human energy. I've been in college for almost a month now and every single day is dead tiring, to say the least. And it's not even my fault. I managed to get 8 hours of sleep everyday (thank God), and classes are only 3 hours long, except for Business Studies which goes for 4 hours but there's talk of changing it to 3. That's the physical drainage of college.

How about mentally ? I don't know mate. I really don't. I guess I have to put aside my "need to please others for the sake of myself" mentality. Like, no one remembers the good, whilst the bad they'd remember for the rest of their lives. I guess I have to keep my "neutral" status true to the core. huhu. God, slap me everytime I mention "huhu" in my blog, please. It's okay for any other thing other than a blogspot. Thank you.

It's going to be a short post guys. Nothing much to relay out there at the moment. School's going pretty good. Been making friends, now I have expanded my circle of acquaintances to include a frisbee addict, a gym freak from Pahang, a Port Dickson lad, not to mention a few gamers, it's going swell. Better than I've expected.

Before I forget, thanks Wan Teng for the dinner last night. Like I said, you really shouldn't have, accepting something "big" from someone who's not working is a bit on the unacceptable side. sorry huhu. But yeah, I had a really good time. I was a big hit in baseball eh? Evey would be proud. And not to forget the lads that came, or rather, was there before I came. You dicks are the best.

ps. I've been in a jolly mood these few days and I would like to say, all of you are beautiful. Put your outer beauty aside and let your inner beauty shine.


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