Lend Me Your Voice

As most of you all know, I love to write. I want to make a living out of writing. But most of the time, I do not know what to write about. Unless I have an Eureka moment, which is whenever I post a post. That's the Eureka moment. I know my posts aren't going up with consistency and quality, that's why I'm asking for your help. 

I thought of something that could benefit both you and me. Maybe even the readers eh? The suggestion is, you give me a sentence, whatever sentence, short, long, just as long as it's not too ridiculous, and I would make a post out of it. It could be a fiction story. It could be a "life" story. Anything, I would write something about it. Example would be my 2nd latest post, << The Sweetest Rose >> , I was given the phrase , "Words were never meant to be this half-spoken." And that's what I came up with. What do you think?

You could drop me a message anywhere. On Google + , on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Tumblr, ANYWHERE you can get it. If it's to your liking, I won't reveal who you are. It's going to be a secret between you and me. If that's what you like.

1. Any sentence will do. A phrase, a quote. It could be more than a sentence.
2. I won't reveal who you are if you chose not to do so.
3. I'm not a perfect writer. 
4. If time permits, I would take at most 1 week to put the post up.
5. I'm actually a terrible writer.
6. If you like it to be a certain post, then I would happily comply.
7. I make tons of mistake.

So there's that. I hope you help me as much as I will help you. 
Good day, much love. huhu


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