The Sweetest Rose

"Stick and stones may break my bones, but your words always hurt me the most."
You don't go and kick a man when he's at his lowest. You don't go and shout slurs while he's obviously hurting, you don't go insult and take away what he only has, his dignity. You just don't. Take away a man's limbs, he is incapable of doing everyday actions. Take away a man's mind, he's forever lost. Take away a man's dignity, he's got nothing. One of the worst ways to strip of one's dignity is not by force, that'll just
break his bones, his outer shell. The one and only way of doing so is by words. Words pierces even the toughest of souls, words break one inside and out, take away the bricks that he has built all his life.

When you break a man's soul, he not only gained an enemy in you, but also himself. A man without anything is nothing. And every single second of life, he would be contemplating on his next step. What would he do? There's two ways. One, is to slowly but surely regain what he has lost and be a better person. Come back a stronger person. Or, he would self destruct. Remove himself of the face of the world. He would not only fight the judgement of society, but also the pity of himself. The inability to do anything of everything.

rule number 1: You never ever tell someone to kill themselves
rule number 2: You never tell someone that they are fat
rule number 3: You never tell someone that they are thin
rule number 4: You never judge someone and point their flaws
rule number 5: If you don’t have anything nice to say just shut the hell up

But, if words are so bad. Then why do we keep using it? Other than the fact that that's the only we can communicate. But yeah, why then? Because words are only bad if one chooses to make it seem bad. Words can be the most beautiful of things. Give an reclusive man a pen and a book, you would see the inside of his mind, the wonders of one's mind, if I shall say. I think I've mentioned this a million times before, but I love how the human mind works. What's more astonishing is that we only uses a mere 10% of it. Yes, I'd still want to learn psychology when I get this A-Levels done and dusted.

Then again, words can bring forth many meaning. Words hurt people, words heal people, words hide emotions, words destroys emotions. How would you want your words today?

Each day is a different day. Each day is in need of different set of words. There's a day for each word. But the one set of words I would never one is that of half-spoken. What do they mean? What does the speaker want them to mean? What does the speaker mean? Tell us what you mean. Don't leave one hanging like that. The journey is more important than the destination. Don't let one wait for the meaning when you already have the answer.

To be honest, you throw slurs at me. Fine. You throw compliments at me, I'm flattered. But don't throw around words that you do not mean. Speak of the truth and only the truth. Tell him the things you've always wanted to say. Tell her your true feelings. Tell your mother you love her. Tell your father you appreciate for what he have done. Tell your brother and sisters that you never meant the words you said. Tell your dog that he's the best thing that have ever happened to you. Tell them. Don't hide behind your tongue. Tell them of your thoughts with brute honesty. Speak like you're the sweetest rose there ever have been.

"We were never meant to be this damn broke,
words were never meant to be this half-spoken."

Shoutout to Ed, you gave me a considerable amount of thinking when you brought forward that sentence. But I appreciate it. Though it may not have been the best, but hey, least I tried , aye?


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