A sight to behold. A memory to grasp.

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the inconsistent and non-existent update for the blog. As you guys probably figure out right now, I took a unannounced hiatus from writing. Well anyhow, how are you guys doing? Tell me what has life threw at you. I want to know all about it!

College has been pretty bore lately. As the days mark itself out from the calendar, I'm starting to come to terms that I will fail the exam if I do not improve my contribution to the course. But everything's so hard. I don't know guys. But today is not a time for worry, today is a happy day. Why? Because I've ( have meaning last night ) just watched the one of the cutest movies ever made.
The Grand Budapest Hotel

I think a lot of you know that I likes , 1. cute things , 2. good movies , 3. likable characters ( I'm looking at you George R.R Martin ). And The Grand Budapest Hotel has all the criteria. I am easily turn over by a movie. As long as it's good, I'll watch. But there's not much that's so good, it's part of my list of all time favourite movies. I mean, movies like X-Men, Spiderman, Godzilla, they're all good. They're pretty good actually. But I don't have them as favourites. Why? Because I don't feel a connection to it. Call me weak, but I'm a sentimental person and I favor feelings and connections over good movie anytime. That's why I enjoy The Breakfast Club so much when most doesn't have a good impression of it. That's why I enjoy We Bought A Zoo so much when most find it boring. Look at It's Kind Of A Funny Story, look at Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The Art Of Flight, they all meant something to me. That is why they're part of my all time favourite movies. Welcome new addition!

That said, what made The Grand Budapest Hotel so special? The charisma that Monsieur Gustave. I love his enthusiasm for romance poetry. I love his stance for formalities even in dire times. I love how he teaches Zero, with criticism that's not over the line, but gets the message through. Oh, what a teacher he would have been.

And the friendship that Zero holds with Monsieur Gustave. He's so gullible, he's so naive, he's so patient. But when Gustave found himself in trouble, he never once thought of forgetting him. He came to his help when he needed it the most. He risked the life of his true love for the sake of saving his mentor, Gustave. Also when Gustave needed help, he asked for the help of Society Of The Crossed Keys, they were willing to offer their hands knowing that their country is being occupied. Can I just a guild just like that too?

And who could forget the ever lovely Agatha. There's no other way to sum up Agatha other than the words of Gustave himself, and I quote. "I must say, I find that girl utterly delightful. Flat as a board, enormous birthmark the shape of Mexico over half her face, sweating for hours on end in that sweltering kitchen while Mendl, genius though he is, looms over her like a hulking gorilla. Yet without question, without fail, always and invariably, she's exceedingly lovely. Why? Because of her purity."

Ahhh love. I feel that that is a topic incredibly desirable to talk about today but I also feel that today's post has exceeded the recommended words. Oh well, let's keep it for another day aye?

To be frank though, any movie can be good. Any movie can be your favourite movie. You don't have to follow the norm, you don't have to read any reviews, or any lists. It's all about you. You don't have to care about anyone else. The quote , "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress the people we don't like" perfectly sums up the situation. It's just how you interpret them.

I want a mentor like Monsieur Gustave, to teach me the ins and outs of romance poetry and all the formalities needed to impress the people I love.
I want a friend like Zero Moustafa. One who never abandons his post even at the toughest of times, but occasionally forgets the perfume.
I want a lover like Agatha. With her purity, as clear as the waters of the Cayman Islands.

-Stan Jenkins-


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