Hatred & Resentment


Why do people feel this sudden urge of dissatisfaction in them? What makes one unhappy? There's just so much hate in the world going on right now. Look at the Brazilian. Not only did they fail their quest for the World Cup, but they ( the government ) hosted and spent millions of cash that could be used on a thousand better things, i.e, better healthcare, better education. So they failed miserably, and the people has the right to be angry. That I understand. But what I do not understand is, the others. The others that do not have a legitimate reason to be mad of.

So what if someone is absent for 2 weeks? You barely know him and his presence, or rather, his absence does not affect you whatsoever. Can't you just keep your mind on the thing you should be focusing on? I've come to realize that most of the young and naive, gets angry more often than the one who has a clear mind. They think that everything in the world has to go through them and without their sole existence, the world will collapse. We're like young volcanoes. Just waiting to burst when we can no longer hold the lava inside of us.

I am not exempted from this accusation. I get angry a lot of time. But most of my anger are aimed at myself. Only a couple slips towards another being. I get angry at myself for making wrong decisions that has plagued me all my life. I get angry at myself for doing something when I shouldn't be doing it and not doing something when I should be doing it. I get angry at myself for not being good enough. I get angry at myself for weighing others down. I get angry at myself for letting the opportunity slipped through my hands knowing that I will never get another chance at it.

That said, I don't get angry at others too often but I absolutely hate where the world is going right now. With it's stupidity. Especially with people's stupidity. Whenever someone brings the "world" up , I get all wind up. So let's not talk about that. It's pretty obvious why I'm mad at the world. People are just so stupid.


That's one of my problem. Judge. People judge. Almost everyone judge about everything and everyone. But there's a rare group of people to remove the "judge" from themselves and just live life as it is. I'm not a true believer of religion but one thing I like about it is that God only judge when it is right to do so. 

In that sense, I have to be like God. Or at least, like Marc Phun has mentioned, "saw every single person through the eyes of God." I wouldn't feel as angry as I am yesterday. I would finally forgive the bane of mine. And what peace would I finally grace. Such great joy.


It's kinda ironic how I'm writing this in a mood of not clear mind. As a matter of fact, it's kinda hard to look back at the past month where I hadn't felt peace for more than 2 hours. I have to thank the usual beautiful people for that. You know who you are. I love you and without you lot, I don't know where I will be today. But not to fret, I'm usually and now experiencing what you can say a minor resentment. It's just a minor frustration at something. What we need is peace. "Peace that surpass all misunderstanding."


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