Be Yourself

All these while, while writing and tweeting and basically doing anything that's going to attract some sort of attention, I would think so hard to what to write that I forgot the essence of basic writing. To me, writing is a form of medium to express my opinion. And the fact that I have to think so hard, to write something that will make me not be judged so much.

But I've forgotten all about that. I was watching It's Kind Of A Funny Story today, note, today's post will mention It's Kind Of A Funny Story a lot because it's my favourite movie ever and I think Emma Roberts is an angel and I would die a thousand deaths just to spend a day with her. Okay back to the story, I was watching the movie when a pretty interesting quote came up. It was between Cool Craig's conversation with Dr.Minerva he said this , "Girls, grade, parents, two wars, impending environmental catastrophe, a messed up economy. All these things seemed to come out of nowhere, like on the same day." To which Dr.Minerva replied with a quote of herself, "Lord, grant me the strength to change the things I can, and the courage to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference."
guys, look at her, she's so adorable i can't take it omg

And I think it's a pretty good quote. We're so busy trying to change the world, to make something out of nothing that we forgot to stop and think that there ARE some things that we can't do anything about and that's all right. We should let the world as it is. Let it co-exist. Let's live together with the world, not in this world.

Because of that, I've come to mind that I should just be myself. Someone precious told me that few weeks ago but I refused to listen, so Guest 175, if you're here, please know that I'm really sorry but I'll try to take in your advise now.

I was on Tumblr the other day and this post came up with the message saying that this user was talking to her Internet who's sad pretty often and said something so beautiful that it made me smiled and I cried a bit partly because it's so true.
And I'm going to end this post with this. The world's beautiful and we should live with the world. Goodnight y'll and I promise, I will be myself and not be sad anymore and try to be happy. Promise me, y'll do the same thing.


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