Shrouded With Clouds

Is it not ironic that I'm writing a post titled "Shrouded With Clouds" in the rainy season? And no, I did not specifically plan for this. Few days ago, I wanted to push an update out, and I even got a title down, named "Looking Too Closely" but I didn't know what to write so I just scrapped it. FYI, I got the title from a song by Fink. It's a really good song. Y'll should give it a go. And I guess today's post will be loosely linked to the song? I don't know. I don't know what to write really.

You don't want to hurt yourself. Hurt yourself.

Remember at the start of my college life, I yearned that the class is too big and that in the gigantic of a class that is, I will be alone and wouldn't have any memorable social life? I guess something has changed. I met some really incredible people and it's funny how, some things can change over time. Some things include my perception of things, albeit with a little help from mother nature. I'm not going to shed much light on it, (because I'm planning to insert it in my book. If it ever materialise.), but it involved a certain rain and wind.

And I could be wrong about anybody else.

But then again, what lasts last, what doesn't doesn't, and only time will be the judge of that. Who knows what will happen come 20 years? Will I be with the same group of people then? Will be alone then? Will I be with the people I love then? Will I even be alive then? Who knows? Certainly not me. Promises were made back then, saying that we would never ever be separated but look at us now. Each has gone, to the four corners of the compass. It's sad really. I know we didn't wished for it, but it's sad that there's nothing we could do about it. Or rather, there's not a drive for us to do anything about it.

Oh, what a pity.


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