Expectations & Reality

As a human being, we expect things to happen before they actually happen right? Some say it's a form of preparation for the worst or the best, some says they enjoy knowing on what land will their feet land on, All in all, we expect right?

Be it the expectations of an occasion or your expectations in someone else. Well to be honest, and I'm sure you can agree with me on this, most of the time reality is nothing like expectations. For all the time that we used to planned and expect for, life will turn it around and say, "hah, thanks for your kind time, but here's the real question..." or they'll just give you a kick to the nuts and say take it.

But hey, that's okay. I'm all fine and dandy with that. That's what makes life life right? That's what makes life interesting. That's what makes life to live for. Take me for an example, this is the brutal truth and I hope no one is offended by this, when I enrolled into college, I went in expecting a whole level of maturity and organized system, but none of that happened. I also expected to go through college and get it done with and then totally losing contact with everything I've met there, it's not to say that there isn't nice people, but it's just that it doesn't feel right.

Let's just say that, all my expectations there were not only broken, but were torn to pieces and spat on. And if expectations are anything to live by, I hope that this life will go on as it is and that I would be able to spend my years left in me with the one I spent with yesterday and today. Heck, if I was able to pause time, even just for a moment, I would because it's incredibly rare for one to experience pure happiness.

I hate that reality is nothing like how I expect it to be.
I love that reality is better than my expectations.

I love that life is never the same. I love that life is changing all the time. Nothing is ever the same. The world is in this ever-evolving phase, nothing stays the same, global warming is changing our climate, it's destroying the polar ice, yards of forests are being chopped down by the hour, violence never seems to end, people are starting to fight for the rights of the exploited, people are starting to fight for what's right and not what's profitable. It's a small step but a step nonetheless.

Reality will almost never come up to the expectations. And no amount of preparation and fully prepare us for the ride that's ahead, and Oh God, I'm loving life right now.

Expectations & Reality


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