
 "Is the sunlight,
is the shadows,
is the quiet,
is the work,
is the beating heart,
is the ocean,
is the boys,
is you,
my sweet love,
oh my love,
and the light, bright light,
it's all around me."

- The Decemberist

The world works in funny way, the moment you think you have a grasp of what's going on, the world evolves and you're back on square one. And they give you nothing but subtle hints of what's actually going on and you're left to wandering around with your eyes blind and your hands bound.

But hey, that's okay. Every endeavor is an experience. Love is an endeavor in it's own rights, along with everything else in the world. Love, career path, choice of food, from the simplest of things to the more complex of them, they're endeavors and I love them. Love is a funny thing, don't you think? Combine love and life and heck, you got one hell of a combination.

How much should a "feeling" has affection until it's considered love? Should it be when you can't fathom a second with him/her? Was it the moment you first laid your eyes on him/her? Or is it only called love when there's a mutual amount of affection between two parties?  Look, I am in no means an expert when it comes to the topic of love, but here's all I got to say about it. Do Not Force It. 
No good will come when it requires you use force. And I'm not only talking about the physical force, if you get what I mean.

What's good will come, what's better will stay. We all hope that our current endeavor, will come in good in the end and the end result will last. Boy, I am wanting the same thing too. And there's nothing of a better feeling when the person you love loves you back.

"Ég er í ást með þér Tiff, að eilífu er leitast og þetta er leitast ég vil að þú tengja mig í.

My gift to you is my soul."
Subtle Hints


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