Time Is A Luxury

Time Is A Luxury

Remember when we were younger, we all talked about how being in the 20s is such an unfortunate thing, to be so old, yet still perceived to be an adolescent, especially in the earlier years of it. I used to remember teasing my elder sister tremendously when she turned 20. Scary how another year and I'll be side by side with the scarred number of 20.

That alone, should be a harsh reminder on the perceived years we have. Give it a glance, and you would think we have all the time in the world to do the things we ought to do. Give it a closer look and you'll be shocked to find that time itself is infinite but the time you have is scarce. We don't have 20 years to complete our college and degree. We don't have 30 years to finish the book you picked up yesterday. We don't have 40 years to complete the task you've set out to.

"So, take a shower, shine your shoes, you got no time to lose, you are young men, you must be living." 

- Dispatch's The General

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying taking a break and not doing anything once in awhile is bad, heck I do that all the time. But here's what I'm doing wrong, I do it ALL the time. I bought 5 books of Game Of Thrones last year, and I'm only in the middle of the third book. The book being 800 pages long shouldn't be an excuse. I set out to lose weight earlier in the year, 3 years ago, yes, I've lost a considerable amount of weight since that, but still not enough, and laziness shouldn't be an excuse. I'm guilty of such laziness and significant amount of procrastination and this post should be a reminder, not only to me, but to everyone's who reading this that taking a break is a gentle solace for your physical and psychiatric self, but it shouldn't be a burden to your goal.

Because time is a luxury, we do not have. 

Everyone should yearn to achieve something everyday. It's refreshing to know that today is a productive day. It could be anything, be it to open up your book and study a chapter or two, to finish the scene you've been neglecting to read, to UPDATE YOUR BLOG ( oops, sorry about letting the blog died for a few weeks again ). And no obstacle will be so great that it dissolve your resolution to your goal.


“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”

― Theodore Roosevelt


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