It's Your Life


"I've forgotten how lonely the nights can be." 

We're given one life to live out, and it is up to us to how we're going to appreciate this blessing given to us by God. I'm sure you know by now it's kind of hypocritical of me to say that due to A) I'm not exactly the best advocate for God and B) I don't always find life a blessing. And I guess that's true.

It's true that I'm not the best advocate in terms of my following of religion, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in God. I do, I do believe in God but does God believe in me? That's a totally different question and one that's not going to be answered today, nor is that question being actively pursued by me. And it's true that I don't always find life a blessing. The key word here is "always."

Life, is a funny thing. There is no set manual on how you should live your life. There shouldn't be anyone to tell you how you are going to live out the one true thing that you can call your own. Sure there can be enhancement books to help set you on the right path, but ultimately it's up to you to decide which path is that going to be. And no, I am not discouraging the use of self-enrichment books, in fact, I endorse it. Life is tough, and we need all the help we can get.

Speaking about help, right, here's the truth, the reason why I'm always so happy when I get a new entry at the comment section, is that it's a form of encouragement for me. It's my form of self-enrichment, my form of the encouragement book. It's a place for people to smudge their presence onto my soul, and I don't reply because I do not want to spoil the beauty of your footing. I fear my voice of input in the one place I hold dearest will destroy the purity of it. And as the saying goes, "This is why I can't have nice things."

Anyways, back to the main point of this post. Life, it's yours. No one can say they own more than two lives before that's utter bullshit, and a breach of humanity. It's your life, and how you want to live your life is up to you. Basically, that's all I got to say. That, be yourself. Do what you want, when you want, where you want it. As long as it's not illegal and not actually harming anyone, physically or mentally, hey, just do it.

Also, this is going to be my last post until a very long time. Just under a month because the examination I'm having is in exactly 7 days and, while I am worried about it, it is inevitable and because of this inevitability, I am excited for the prospect of having 3 months break, maybe then I will write more to compensate for this temporary downfall in output.

Right, goodnight and know that people love you and that you are an impact to everyone you meet.



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