Change Of Heart

8th of June 2015

On this day, at 3 minutes past 12 in the afternoon, we were told to put our pens down and just like that, the Business paper that we've been cramping our minds for the last 3 hours has ended, and thus, A2 has come to an end.

I'll admit, the ending of A2 is a bittersweet moment. At one corner, I'm delighted I no longer have to force myself to study, to stay up until just before the sun pokes its head out of the horizon. No longer would I have to go to class on a weekend, albeit, I've only went thrice. No longer would I have to endure with terrible people in class. No longer would I have to surround myself with incredibly supportive people... :(

You see, these days I've been engulfing myself with information about the MBTI personality type and even though I've known my type years ago, I felt compelled to do the test once again, and just like the time before, I got the same result, the apparently quite rare INFJ type that only 1-2% of the population is of, and one of the weakness of being such type is that, I quote, "People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don’t find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living." Why do I say this? Remember the time where I just couldn't be bothered with class and responsibility and living all together? Well, one such time was a month and a half ago and all I wanted to do was to crawl under my blanket even though it felt like 40ÂșC and twice as much inside. It was the thought of seeing the few good people in college.

You see, I don't really like college, partly because I don't enjoy it as much as high school and also because I don't like most of the people in college. Karl Marx mentioned ; “Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.

Life is a book. Each day when the sun rises to greet and waved us goodbye to make way for the moon marks one page of the book. Your book. What you do with your day is what will be written on the your book. The same can be said on who you meet. And truly, this is coming from the depths of my heart, I know I hadn't been the best friend I could have been, but life is too short to think of the what ifs and what not, but I truly appreciated the companionship that has been given to me, and this will be one I forever embraced. *Picture should also include Norton, William, Yun Han, Mal, Victor, Jacky, Rish, but for the lack of photo with them. Unfortunately.

With Alevels done, that's one chapter that has been filled. Will the people I meet in that chapter appear again in a chapter in the near future? Only time can tell. For now, I know what I feel, I miss the aforementioned people. And I'm only 3 days into the holiday.

11th Of June 2015

Today I realized, not only do I miss them, but I also am having a change of heart to the very establishment that I have resented so much of my collegiate life. But that's okay, a book is not meant to be written as a script.


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