

At the age of 9, I wanted to be a police officer. Growing up, my family used to love watching Cantonese dramas on TVB, and I was inspired by one of the drama and decided to be a police officer because of it.

At the age of 10, again inspired by the Cantonese dramas, I yearn to be a firefighter.

At the age of 11, the aspiration became a pilot instead. And that dream stayed for long, even until today, there's a small part of me that still want to be. Although I don't think I will be a commercial pilot, but if it were up to me, I would definitely have a pilot license.

At the age of 12, I was introduced to the wonderful world of blogging. albeit through myspace first. But, because of it, I came to love writing. Growing up, I was always praised for my writing skills. I remember one day, during a standard 6 class, we were told to write a passage of story according to the picture held up on board. I was chosen to be one of the "writer." I did, and I wrote, the teacher had her back turn on me initially to control the classroom, if I remembered correctly, but when I was done and had walked back to my seat, the teacher turned around and asked, I still remember this exactly because it was one of the first public compliments I've ever gotten, "Who did this? The third picture?" while wearing a shocked face.

Initially, I was worried I messed up or wrote something inappropriate but when I stood up and raised my hand, she brought me forward and congratulated me for writing a perfect story and gave me a 10/10 on that story. She also said I have a special talent in writing. And I guess, since that, I have loved writing more than before.

At the age of 14, I was adamant to be a writer, or a journalist. And that was the career I tell when anyone ask me what I'd like to be growing up. And initially, I said it with confidence, that there's nothing else in the world I want to be.

But today? I'm not so sure. Everywhere I look, everyone seems to have their life set out right in front of them. Some are already planning to further their studies in the Americas or the United Kingdom or Australia or even Russia for one. Some's already have a foot in the working industry.

At the age of 15, I was praised and complimented so much for my writings that I could have been dubbed the next big thing in writing, A prodigal son to some. An inspiration to others. It's 2015 today and I'm four years older from then, and I don't think I've progress since then, I'm not even sure if I can deny that I've regressed.

At the age of 19, I fear that I will forever be known as the prodigal son who let his talents gone to waste because of his fear of the world, because of his fear of what's ahead of him and not actually grabbing what he has in him. I fear that by dreaming of my dreams, I would never do something to realize them.

I am truly lost in life.



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