Daily // 004


I am sorry but I missed out on yesterday's post. And to think I said I wouldn't miss any post unless there's a huge unforeseen circumstances. There wasn't any yesterday. I seriously wanted to post one up in a "foreign" land but I fell asleep once I got home.

Okay anyway, remember how I mentioned that I would love waking up early? Yesterday I did! I woke up at 4:30am and we left at 5 for Ipoh. I was so excited to watch the sunrise, I didn't even sleep in the journey to Ipoh, even though I only had like 3 hours of sleep the night before. Maybe I expected too much, I thought the sunrise in Malaysia would be like a hot streak of orange, but it wasn't. It's been way too long since I saw one so I totally forgot how it was like. The sky went from total darkness to dark blue in a slow motion of clouds and eventually settled into the light blue that we see everyday. But that's okay, I'm satisfied to see the sun rise.

So we reached Ipoh around 2 hours later and we had 2 rounds of food before the clock even strike 12. This wasn't much. The last time we were here, we had 3 before 12. That said, I will not complain because the food is heavenly! And cheap too. Each bite I took, I wished that it was near PJ instead so I could come out everyday and have such God-sent food daily.

Nothing much happened in Ipoh really, just food, sleep and more food. Though at night we went and looked for a bar to settle down. I didn't drink though, my stomach was feeling slightly uncomfortable and I didn't really want to drink, if possible. We played pool and darts. I still suck in pool but darts was so much fun! We played twice, I got second in the first but last in the latter. In the first game I even got three times triple 18, a round that even my brother hasn't gotten, and he's been playing for a long time. As a matter of fact, he's out playing right now.

The next day was the same. After two rounds of breakfast, we went back to the hotel and took a nap before lunch. Once 12 came by, we went out for lunch and exchanged our farewell with my grandmother, whom came with us to Ipoh the day before. She's with her "gang", and I love my grandmother so much, even though we can't really communicate. That said, my cantonese is improving! Slowly but surely, I will have a proper conversation with her.

In 8 hours time, I'd be playing frisbee again. After 2 weeks of hiatus, we finally get to play again and I'm super excited. Til then!



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