Daily // 006


So today's agenda has been going off to some government office to do some official things. Yknow how the public has this negative perception of all things government? Well I've come to tell you the naught of it!

I went to 3 departments/branches of a government office today, and in all 3. The person working behind the counter was friendly as a puppy seeing its owner back from work. All 3 gave relevant and necessary information without any of those clutter in between. But too bad the problems wasn't solved. And this brings me to my next issue.

Why the fuck was I born? Like seriously, no this is not the usual "omg I hate my fucking life" rants that almost every Generation-Y kids go through. This is the "I'm not bringing anything good to my family" rant. Every humans living and capable of bringing a kid into this world should know that raising a kid is not cheap. It's the most expensive investment an average person will partake in.

Before I was born, there were already 3 person's name under my parents' family tree. And, well, okay here's the truth, the line was supposed to stop at 3. My dad has his own company back then and was a quite an influential person in the district. So, this aforementioned company wasn't doing well and my dad had the sense to look for a fortune teller or some sort and that fraud told him that if he were to have another daughter his company will turn around and instead of losing money, he will earn. My family was so certain that a girl would pop out they even named "me" beforehand.

Imagine the disappointment they got when they were told that it's a boy instead. Look at the fucking disappointment, I look at the mirror and feel the same way every single time. Okay now, there's that. The company went under and my dad went into debt and our family got fucked. ps, this is not a rant against my father. I still love you dad, God bless your soul in heaven.

To the next issue, imagine I wasn't born, the rest of my family would be set in stone, financially. The debt would be lesser now and everyone would be much happier. That said, we're pretty fucking content. We're not the depressed ones but the not always happy but still happy nonetheless. Maybe that's where I get my optimism from. :)

Oh well then, there's nothing to be done about my existence except to continue living. So let's live happy shall we guys?



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