Daily // 007


Today has been a slow day really, there wasn't much things to be done today, or rather, I did not go about doing them. I can't even remember what I did in the afternoon. Probably just wasting my hours watching Arrow or playing games. sigh.

I can't wait to leave house for a purpose! Like going to class! August 11 will be the day results will be out and hopefully I got good results so I can enroll into HELP by August 21.

So what did you do today, Stan? Really. Oh in the evening I went for a jog, after so long. Well, walk really. I left my knee guard at home today and I didn't bother to go back and take it after I remember it, so I tried to jog. And omg I couldn't. Judging from the little amount of pain I feel when I walk I thought it'll be fine to jog, considering I've been playing frisbee for quite some time since the injury. heh, looks like I'm wrong, without the knee guard, I'm weak!

So all the exercise I did can be categorized as walking. And I only did it for 10 minutes. The other 20 minutes I spent outside playing clash of clan... I know I'm ashamed. Oh well, it was good to get out and about with some fresh air in my face. After that, I did some 5 minutes exercise from an app called Sworkit. I got it from reddit and people were saying it's been a real help. And honestly, I feel more exhilarated doing the 5 minutes workout than the 10 minutes walk/jog. Hopefully the change will be apparent soon!

Funny, it's only 10:24pm and I'm already sleepy. Guess that's what exercise do to you... That said, I probably won't be sleeping anytime soon.



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