Daily // 008


So... I didn't update again yesterday. This time it's my fault, totally forgotten about it until I was on my bed trying to fall asleep. Anyhow there wasn't much that was done yesterday. The same all same all.

Oh, I was binge watching Arrow again yesterday and during the nighttime when I was playing dota, I came up against a player called Oliver Queen! The irony! Shame he failed the city in that game. Guess Alaska trumps Starling City eh? ... omg that was lame.

Okay now what did you do today Stan? Oh nothing much. Just that I went to MyBurgerLab for dinner with my mother. And fyi, it was her idea. But oh God, how much I miss those heaven-sent sauce. It's literally the finest thing one can reward his taste buds.

And when we were about to leave, stomach all filled up, we met up with Uncle Bear who was next door eating his own dinner with the "flying wan tan mee." He duly suggested we yumcha and my mother agreed although she was stuffed herself! She said only for drinks which was agreed but uncle bear ordered a plate of nasi lemak to tops with it. And yeah, we got to it. Correction, I had to eat it. Well, most of it.

And that's basically it. I'm home, stuffed to the core. What do I do next? I have no idea. Play some Rocket League maybe? Do y'll want to join me? I can teach you how. Oh and I updated my "bucket list", it's under the check tab fyi. This new addition is me wanting to hike the Pacific Crest Trail!



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