Daily // 009


Anger management. Contrary to what people believe, I do get angry. In fact, I get angry on a daily basis. Everyday I would almost be frustrated and be mad at something or someone. And yes, I am angry right now.

But there's a difference with being angry and lashing out at someone. While being angry is part of human nature, lashing out on someone is not. It's not fair that someone should take the fall of your anger, especially considering that most people don't even know the root of your anger.

But it is incredibly infuriating though, I'm so angry all the time I don't know what to do with it. You know how whenever you feel something but you can't do anything about it, it's stuck like a physical object in your chest? Throbbing to come out from it's shell and unleash itself upon the world. So what do I do with this undesirable energy?

These days I'm quite fond of MMA, UFC specifically. Especially UFC 189, quite possible one event that's quite literally, perfect in any other way. But, I'm not going to join of course. I just watch and that's it. But one can dream right? Imagine it, to be one of the world's top fighter, oh that would be glorious!


EDIT : If you think you're someone that can fucking order people around doing shits just because you "waited" long. So fuck you if you think so.


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