Daily // 010


After frisbee and lunch today, I was walking home when I decided to take a detour to the supermarket to get some cereal or chips maybe. Though I came out empty handed, I felt different than 2 minutes beforehand.

I have stayed indoors for so long that I forgot how buzzing a local supermarket can be. Upon my first step into the supermarket, the atmosphere can be felt buzzing aloud. Customers are waiting for their turn to be checked out, workers are busy stocking the right products on the right shelves, the lady who just came out from the supermarket pulling a week's worth of grocery in her little trolley. Even the foreigners who were outside shouting to their mates about something I cannot comprehend.

As much as I long staying indoors, it's real good to actually leave house and breathe the fresh air once in awhile. It'll do a whole lot of good just to diverse from your usual daily routine!



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