Daily // 012


I actually wanted to write a little bit earlier today. Probably during the The International game of Fnatic vs Cloud 9 that was due to start at 12 midnight. While waiting for the game to start, we decided to play Overthrow again. Halfway through the game, I disconnected. Not because of my increasingly unstable internet, or my laptop dying, but because the whole neighborhood had it's electricity cut off, for a whole two hour.

So, while patiently waiting for the electricity to come back, I decided to watch a movie. I was and still am really sleepy but it was too damn hot to do anything. But anyhow, today is a good day and I'm not letting it ruin my mood. So, I scrolled through my list of movies, not sure to which movie I should watch. Frequencies? Clouds Of Sils Maria? Far From The Madding Crowd? Eventually I settled on The Drop and it was a good decision.

That movie gives me the vibe that John Wick gave. The Drop may not be as good as John Wick but Tom Hardy's performance there is another reason why I love that man so much. And I'm so ever thankful that he dropped out from the disastrous movie that is 50 Shades Of Grey.

The Fnatic vs Cloud 9 just concluded and Fnatic lost again. They're doing really badly in the group stage once again as in the previous years. Just hope that they can get back the fighting spirit that they (Orange) did in The International III where they fought from the lower brackets all the way to a third place finish.



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