Daily // 013


Today I decided to sleep in. Well, I've been sleeping in everyday for the past 2 months anyway but I usually wake up just before 12. Today, I wanted to laze around until the sun is down again. The result? Too bad Stan. You're still gonna wake up before 12. With or without alarm.

Since I woke up at 11:30am again today, I laze around the bed for about an hour doing shit all. Then when I decided to actually "wake up", I went forth to the toilet and freshen up myself and oh God, do I look like an idiot. With my morning hair and all. But I realized something, the plug that I had on my right ear was gone. Naturally, I went back to the bed to look for it. This isn't the first time it has happened. Usually, it'll just be on the bed and all is fine.

But not day, I looked through the bed, the pillow casing, even under the bed but the damn thing was nowhere to be found. But I wasn't panicking or anything, that's another story. A few months ago, something like this would freak me out but today I wasn't. I was surprisingly quite calm. And even though I went back up every few hours to look at the places I possibly missed, albeit to no avail, I was still quite calm.

During the afternoon, I was looking online at possible replacement for my trusty lost plug. And I stumbled upon a few nice one but it's so expensive. Damn you Malaysian ringgit. Thankfully though, a few hours later, it was found by the cleaner that comes to the house every week. God bless her!

That said, I still hope I could get a new one soon. Maybe I could find someone to share the shipping cost with me. Anyone looking for plugs guys?



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