Daily // 014


Today the alarm rang at 10:15am, almost 12 hours ago. And there was a game this morning, at 9am but I didn't bother to catch the other half of it. But the Internet was having a tantrum once again and I didn't felt like watching it anyhow so I just got ready and we left the house an hour later.

Off to Sunway! As some of y'll know, my godma is here since Monday. She's here for a bowling tournament. On Tuesday, I went and look for her. Took an Uber here and she was totally surprised! :DDDD She did fairly well that day, except for 2 round of game. Wednesday was for partner and today is a team challenge. She did well enough to get into the final day tomorrow!

But anyhow, it was a good day. After her bowl, we went for lunch and all and it was so funny in the journey back and fro. Once we got back to the alley though, it was time for the Men's edition and this three lanes, there was one bowler each that was in contention for a perfect game ; 12 strikes in a row. One who get a perfect game gets a $3000 prize. Though it has to be shared among other perfect game winner. Before today, there's 2 other who bowled a perfect game.

Today it was a player from Chinese Taipei, and another two from Japan. The first Japanese player got 6 strikes in a row before he missed. The next guy who rolled out, did so on the 8th throw, another Japanese player. The Chinese Taipei bowler, was literally a throw away from a perfect game. Out on the last throw. What a waste!
Maybe I should consider bowling as a profession... just kidding. I suck in it.



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