Daily // 015


Right, to start off today, I was told to be quiet by my brother at 12;30am last night. :D I had my earphones plugged in and was playing a custom game on dota, and well, we got carried away and I spoke a little bit too loud. :DDD But that's okay. He understands haha.

I guess that's the only eventful thing that happened to me today. When I woke up, the Internet was being extra shitty and I got fed up, I just didn't want to do anything so I laid down on the floor and played with the kids my mother is babysitting. And that's it.

Pretty boring day if you ask me.

Since this has been a pretty boring post, here's a few trailers that came out this past week that's pretty amazing. Plus one video that's just jaw dropping.

[ Beasts Of No Nation ] I love Idris Elba man. Seriously, that man is out of this world.

 [ The 33 ]When I heard of this incident 5 years ago, I was incredibly bothered by it. To be trapped in a place like that.

 [ Spotlight ]"We got two stories here, a story about degenerate clergy and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuses into a college industry."

The Young And Prodigious T.S. Spivet ]
Ps. Happy birthday to Hanson.
Pss. Congrats to Teik Lim for having his first design on the walkway!



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