Daily // 001


Today's post isn't going to be much, it won't go into any detailed "life advice" or "deep quotes", it's just going to be a post about what's going on in the uneventful life of an deep and somewhat reclusive introvert.

There's going to be a change with how the blog is updated and how often it will be updated, I've taken a leaf out of Casey Neistat's work. A year ago, he was a renowned filmmaker, with each of his video going viral and having at least a million views on them. Then, about 3 and a half months ago, he started vlogging. Not because he decided to gain some extra revenue ( until today, he hasn't enabled advertisements ) or he decided to be more famous than he already is. But because 1) he wanted to continue improving his videography skills and 2) to promote his then in the making new company.

Today's post is, essentially, revolves around that specific reason. Well, reason number 1, that is. As you can see, it has been a few weeks since I last wrote and immediately you can notice how bad my writing has deteriorated to. It's funny, with so much time that I have on my hand, you would think I would write much more than the times when my schedule was packed with class and all. Nope, Because of laziness, and stupid games, my precious time that could have been used much more effectively.

So, effective today, I will try to push out one post per day. No matter how good or how bad, or how boring or fun it is. There will be a post. Unless there's a huge obstacle that cannot be immediately resolved. Other than that, there will be a post. Hopefully there will be reader ya? Essentially, I'm giving the word "blog" back it's meaning.

So, the first blog, today, is that I went to KDU University in Glenmarie and HELP University today to check out the communication programs that they offer. I went in knowing only a little and I left both institutions knowing that I do want to do journalism or that sort and my choices for an undergraduate program is between KDU & HELP. Before today, my choices were the former 2, SEGI University, IACT College, and UTAR.

What I liked about KDU is the campus. It gave me the campus feeling that BAC lacked. I totally enjoyed the 30 minutes I spent there, and I didn't even tour the whole campus. Just the front entrance and a further so. What I did not liked about KDU was the pricing of their courses. Their registration fees alone are RM600, double of what HELP requires. Even afters a 30% discount for bumiputera, the course I'm interested is still 8-10k more than those of HELP's.

While there's loans available, PTPTN or MARA, even with the maximum amount of cash I could borrow, I'd still have to fork out 5k for the KDU course. Solely because of this, I'm at a 70% chance of enrolling in HELP.

During my talk with the HELP chancellor, I didn't necessarily felt the campus feeling that I was looking for. Maybe because that was the Business School campus. But the feeling I got that was essentially the same feeling I got when I was at BAC. When and if I do enroll here, I'll be in another campus and hopefully then the campus feeling that I'm yearning for will be there.

As things stand, I'll most likely be a HELP student by the end of next month.


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